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What do the buildings at Amherst College tell us about the values and visions of their creators? Follow Pulitzer Prize-winning architecture critic Blair Kamin ’79 as he takes us on a historical and philosophical tour of campus. - Video by Marcus DeMaio Play Video Play Video (new page) Architecture: Making Time Visible For even more about LitFest, check out the slideshow and story: Steering the Craft. If this leaves you wanting more, check out the full versions of selet LitFest 2022 videos. Play Video Play Video (new page) LitFest 2022 Higlightsĭid you miss LitFest? Check out these highlights featuring Viet Thanh Nguyen, Katie Kitamura, Elizabeth McCracken, and Vann Newkirk. Learn more about the Presidential Scholars Program. Prescod-Weinstein is an assistant professor of physics and astronomy and core faculty in women’s and gender studies at the University of New Hampshire.

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Chanda Prescod-Weinstein ahead of her March 29-April 1 residency on campus. The Presidential Scholars Program: Chanda Prescod-WeinsteinĪmherst College student Julia Woodward ’24 interviews Presidential Scholar, Dr.

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